Designated applications under the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 or the Gaming Machines Act 1992 are required, in most circumstances, to be accompanied by a community impact submission addressing certain criteria.  Information about when an application is designated can be found in the relevant Community Impact Assessment Guidelines:

How to complete your community impact submission

Community impact assessment forms have been developed to assist applicants in providing the required information necessary for the application to be determined. Applicants do not need to use this form and may instead choose to prepare a submission in a different format.

What is a community impact submission?

A community impact submission assists the decision maker in assessing whether a designated application is in the community interest. It is also a valuable document for informing the community about the proposed nature of the business to be conducted.

If a Community Impact Assessment Submission does not adequately address the issues, you may be asked to provide additional information prior to your application being determined.

Where can I find information to help me complete my application?

To assist you in completing your application, a number of helpful links to information, including statistical information, which may help you in drafting your community impact submission, can be found here.

The links at that page do not purport to provide all the information necessary to satisfy the licensing authority that an application is in the community interest. Rather, the page aims to provide you with some tools to help you locate information that may be helpful when preparing your community impact submission.

What is the locality?

As part of their community impact submission, applicants must provide details regarding the community in the locality of the proposed licensed premises and any amenity issues which may affect the locality.

The term locality refers to the area surrounding the licensed premises/proposed licensed premises and is the area most likely to be affected by the granting of the application. As part of your community impact submission, you are required to identify the geographic area from which you expect to draw customers.

The Community Impact Assessment Guidelines provide further guidance as to locality.

The Community Impact Portal may help in visualising your locality and allows you to draw a circle around your premises of a set radius.