Detailed information about using LGO and the changes to your liquor licence is available below. If you still can’t find the answer you are looking for please email or call 131 882.

Using LGO

To register as a new user you will need to select create an account on the log in page and complete all fields including your name, address and contact details. You will then be able to create your own password for your account.

These should be your details and not those of the licensed premises.

Please ensure the email address provided is one that you have access to as you will need to confirm your LGO account details via a verification email that we will send you.

If you don’t receive an email verification after creating your account, please email

Tip: check your inbox junk or spam folder in case it has been misfiled.

If you have forgotten your password you can reset your account password using the ‘forgot your password’ link on the log in page. This will send an email to you with instructions on resetting your password.

If you don’t receive a password reset email, please email

Tip: check your inbox junk or spam folder in case it has been misfiled.

If you need to link a licence to your account you will need to click on the ‘request to link licence’ button on the home page once you have logged in. CBS will then review your request and link your licence within three business days.

Once you have logged into LGO you will need to select the licensed premises under the ‘your licences’ heading. On the next page you need to select ‘documents’ from the left hand side menu.

This will then allow you to download relevant documents such as your licence and premises plan.

All applications need to be lodged online through LGO. Paper forms will not be accepted.

You can lodge an application by following the link on the LGO home page.

Changes to liquor licences

If you held a licence prior to 18 November 2019 you would have been issued your transitioned licence on this date. Your transitioned licence will look different and conditions and authorisation on your licence may have changed.

Information about any changes you may have noticed on your licence can be found here.

As part of the changes that came into effect on 18 November 2019, the licence classes have been consolidated from 12 classes to eight classes. Most licences therefore had to change to one of the new licence classes. As part of this change the Commissioner undertook a review of all licences and the format of the licence itself was also updated.

If you have conditions on your licence you will likely notice that these have either changed or some may have been removed from your licence. The Commissioner is using the transition as an opportunity to remove licence conditions that:

  • relate to matters that are outside the scope of the Commissioner
  • repeat what is already in the legislation or codes of practice.

Conditions have also been reworded to make them easier to understand and create consistency across all licences.

Noise Conditions

In most cases, conditions relating to noise reduction have been removed from licences that previously had them. Although these conditions may have been removed from your licence, please be aware that all licensees are required under the General Code of Practice to take reasonable steps to prevent undue offence, annoyance, disturbance or noise to people who live or work around the licensed premises. Penalties may apply if this is not complied with.

The Commissioner also has powers to reinstate conditions on a licence should any concerns around noise be raised with CBS.

Your licence number has changed as a result of the reforms. You will need to ensure that you update your licence number on any of your materials or websites where it appears.

Your licence plan has also been updated as part of the reforms (except licensees that previously held a direct sales licence). You may notice the following changes on your licence plan:

  • certain coloured lines removed
  • area numbers removed

The plan does not need to be displayed on your premises but you must have a copy of your plan at the premises which can be made available to a police officer or CBS inspector on request.

If an error has been made when transitioning your licence please email

If you disagree with a decision the Commissioner has made when transitioning your licence you can seek a review of the Commissioner’s decision in the Licensing Court. Only the licensee can lodge a review and it must be lodged with the Licensing Court within one month of receiving the notice from the Commissioner (i.e. the order of the Commissioner).

For further information on lodging a review please contact the Licensing Court licensingcourt [at] ">

The licence class that your licence has transitioned to cannot be reviewed. If you wish to operate under a different licence class you will need to apply for a new licence in the class you want to operate in and surrender your current licence.

Where applicable, licences will now have one overall capacity instead of individual capacities for individual areas. The capacity applies to patrons in the licensed areas and does not include residents, which is someone who has stayed at the premises the night before or will be staying at the premises that night. The capacity excludes areas adjacent to the licensed premises that are subject to permits issued by local council (such as footpath dining). Refer to the permit issued by your local council for guidance on how you can trade in these areas.

If you previously did not have a capacity on your licence, but a capacity is required for the purpose of calculating annual fees, CBS has defaulted your capacity to 1201+. This does not restrict your capacity but will attract the highest capacity fee when your annual fee is due. If you want to lower your capacity you can do so in LGO. Doing so may reduce your annual fee.

You must ensure that you do not allow overcrowding in your venue and that you comply with any planning or development approvals that apply to your premises.

If you hold a small venue licence or a licence for a vehicle, such as a bus or limousine, you will notice that the capacity has been removed from your liquor licence. The Commissioner has determined to remove capacities from these types of licences.

Please be aware that the legislation does not allow small venue licences to have more than 120 people on their premises. You must also ensure that you do not allow overcrowding in your venue and that you comply with any planning or development approvals that apply to your premises.

If your premises is a vehicle the capacity has been removed and replaced with a condition that the number of patrons cannot exceed the number of seats in the vehicle.

The trading hours are the hours that you are authorised to sell and supply liquor under your licence. You are not obligated to be open at all times authorised under your licence. You can also trade outside the hours on your licence, provided liquor is not sold or supplied at these times.

You must ensure that you comply with any planning or development approvals that apply to your premises which may also place restrictions on when you can trade.

Previously holders of a restaurant or residential licence required a condition on their licence allowing them to sell liquor without a meal in certain circumstances. As part of the changes, this approval will become an automatic right under the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 for all holders of a restaurant and catering or residential licence and licensees no longer need approval on their licence to do so.

If you do not operate a bottle shop you can remove the bottle shop from your licence through LGO. Once you log on you will be able to apply to have this removed. There is no fee for this type of application.

Some licences previously had restriction on when they could trade on public holidays, or prohibited trade on a public holiday all together. These restrictions no longer apply. You can now trade on a public holiday as per the trading hours on your licence. For example, if a public holiday falls on a Tuesday you can trade in accordance with the Tuesday trading hours on your licence.

These changes do not apply to gaming venues. You must still comply with the hours on your gaming machine licence.

The new annual fee structure came into effect on 18 November 2019, however for existing licensees you will not have to pay an annual fee until the next annual fee period in mid-2020.

The licence itself will not say what class it is as the classes for this type of licence were introduced for the purpose of annual fees. The authorisations and/or restrictions will determine what class you are and therefore what annual fee you will pay.

What signs are required depend on the authorisation and conditions of your licence:

  • All holders of a licence which allows the consumption of liquor on the licensed premises must display sign LGC2019-1.
  • All holders of a licence which allows the consumption of liquor on the licensed premises after midnight must also display sign LGC2019-2.
  • All holders of a packaged liquor sales licence, other than if the licence is subject to a condition authorising the licensee to only sell liquor through direct sales transactions, must display sign LGC2019-3.
  • All holders of a licence which does not permit people under 18 in a particular area of the licensed premises must display sign LGC2019-4.
  • All holders of a licence which does not permit people under 18 from entering the licensed premises must display sign LGC2019-5.
  • All holders of a licence which does not permit people under 18 from entering the licensed premises from 9pm must display sign LGC2019-6.

The signs cannot be modified and must be printed on A4 paper from the CBS website and be clearly legible.

The signs must be displayed in a prominent position so that they are clearly visible to the public.


You must replace the licence displayed at your premises with your transitioned licence immediately. You are required to have your current licence on display at or near the entrance of your premises at all times.


We encourage all licensees to replace their signs as soon as possible, however the old signs will be accepted until 18 May 2020 to allow licensees time to change signs over. 
Whilst you are in the process of replacing permanent signage on the premises you can place the new signs next to or on top of the old permanent signage until you are able to remove the old signage all together.

Licensees must ensure that all staff (including volunteers) selling, offering for sale or serving liquor have completed responsible service of alcohol (RSA) training. Licensees must ensure that any security personnel engaged to work at the premises have also completed RSA training.

These requirements do not apply to a holder of a:

  • packaged liquor sales licence restricted to direct sales only
  • liquor production and sales licence restricted to sampling only

Clubs who previously held a limited club licence now have to comply with these training requirements.

You must ensure that you have copies of all training records for all staff available at the premises.

Persons who have already completed national accredited training prior to the 18 November 2019 do not need to redo the training.  This training will still be accepted after this date.

Anyone undertaking RSA training after 18 November 2019 must ensure they meet the new requirements and complete the training with a Registered Training Organisation that has been approved by the Commissioner. More information about the new requirements can be found here.

The laws do not require refresher training to be undertaken after a certain period of time.

However, licensees can chose to redo the training to keep up to date with any changes to the laws and requirements if they wish to do so.